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What are the characteristics of enamel tea

点击次数:  更新时间:18/04/12 10:58:04 来源:www.cnsgtc.com关闭
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Enamel manufacturers can produce many types of products, such as enamel tea sets are more common, but what are their characteristics?
       The obvious characteristics of enamel tea sets are sturdiness and durability, fresh patterns, light weight and corrosion resistance. And there are many types of enamel tea sets, such as white, delicate, and shiny, imitation porcelain tea cups comparable to porcelain. Then there is a mesh flower tea cup decorated with mesh or color and mesh, and the layers are clear, with a more artistic sense. And the drum-shaped teacup and butterfly-shaped teacup that are light and unique in shape. Even heat-preserving tea cups that can keep warm and easy to carry, as well as colored enamel tea trays that can be used to place teapots and tea cups, are very popular.
      However, it should be noted that the enamel tea set transfers heat quickly and is easy to burn. Putting it on the coffee table will burn the tabletop. Therefore, it is subject to certain restrictions when used and generally not used for home hospitality.
