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Knowledge of processing enamel products

点击次数:  更新时间:18/04/12 10:59:04 来源:www.cnsgtc.com关闭
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When processing enamel products, the glass enamel is coated on the surface of the metal substrate. After high-temperature sintering, the enamel and the metal are physically and chemically reacted and firmly bonded. What are the specific processing procedures?
      When cleaning the surface of the enamel substrate, it is mainly required that the metal body must be alkali washed, pickled or sandblasted before enamel to remove rust, degreasing and clean. When applying enamel, there are mainly manual enamelling, spray enamelling, dip enamelling, electrophoresis enamelling, electrostatic spray enamelling and other methods. Generally, it is reasonable to choose according to the number of products, quality requirements, raw materials, productivity, etc. Method of application. Then for the firing of enamel, choose the appropriate temperature and time according to different products, which must be controlled.
      Among them, enamel is a coating formed by pulverizing and mixing a certain composition of glass frit together with additives to form a glaze slurry, which is then burned on the metal surface.
